[ale] [OT] Vintage Motorcycle Repair

Michael Potter michael at potter.name
Thu Jan 2 22:51:51 EST 2020

I recall a previous discussion of motorcycles so I am going to take that as
an appropriate off-topic topic...

Anyway, I have a 1978 Honda XL125 that has a fried piston and needs and a
tune up.

Anyone know a mechanic that can do this for me?

A few years ago I took it to a shop and they told me they could not get
parts so they put in a different coil, but I think that coil is the cause
of the misfire that caused the piston to burn out.  I want it fixed by
someone who is a bit more diligent about hunting down the right parts.

I live in North Alpharetta.

Michael Potter
  Tapp Solutions, LLC
+1 770 815 6142  ** Atlanta ** michael at potter.name  **
Schedule a meeting with me: https://calendly.com/michael-potter
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