[ale] Browser Tab management (was: Building computers)

Byron Jeff byronjeff at clayton.edu
Wed Aug 12 09:31:19 EDT 2020

I keep so many tabs open that one of my students dubbed my screen with a
"ByronFull" of tabs.

I've actually been working on tab management lately as I realize the
Chrome/Chromium keeps hundreds of Subframes going in the background. I
realized I wanted to keep access to the information of the open tab, but
not keep the tab open.

After trying a few tab management tools, like OneTab, and not really
getting the level of control I was looking for I happened upon Toby:

Personally I'm not interested in the cloud service, or in the multiple
machine tab access. But the ability to put tabs dormant into categories and
to have access to all of them on a Chromium new tab page is completely
awesome. Keeping tabs on the information I'm interested in is much better


On Wed, Aug 12, 2020 at 09:03:30AM -0400, Jim Kinney via Ale wrote:
>    I keep 30-50 tabs open in firefox. No problems. Regularly have 15-20 in
>    firefox on my phone. I've used "bookmark all" just before an upgrade.
>    I've become complacent and never close the browser. I'll shutdown the
>    machine sporadically and let firefox recover on restart. My phone is
>    set to wipe all traces of use on firefox and iceweasel shutdown.
>    On August 12, 2020 8:02:52 AM EDT, William Bagwell via Ale
>    <ale at ale.org> wrote:
> On Tuesday 11 August 2020, David Jackson via Ale wrote:
>      Okay, yeah.  Now I get it.  I remember buying a Dell once, and it
>      was
>      really weird.  I think at the time I was Mr. Mom and struggling to
>      keep up
>      with an infant, so I just bought something that was on sale.
>      "Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes." Best line in the whole movie!
>      This makes
>      the third time I have managed to use this joke in all these years;-)
>      As to Dell and why every one hates it: This thread *almost* inspired
>      me to
>      build a computer for the first time in over 12 years. OS is that old
>      and the
>      computer might be as much as two years older. Have a much newer
>      computer and
>      hate it. Hate every possible aspect of it.
>      Let me back up and explain why it's a Dell. About four years ago
>      wife needed
>      a new computer. (Sadly not a Linux user...) Wanted to get one of the
>      last of
>      the '7s' before they were no longer available so we went to closest
>      place
>      that resembles a computer store (Staples) and bought one for ~$400.
>      Came
>      with malware pre-installed. Will spare the details but none of her
>      previous
>      computers nor the replacement refurb from Microcenter (also a Dell)
>      ever had
>      the problems this one did.
>      So, it became my new computer. Pain to install Linux (Magiea, old
>      box is
>      still Mandriva) only partially due to it being years since I had
>      installed
>      anything new. Immediately gave up any notions of dual booting (not
>      that I
>      needed too, just wanted the experience to help others) as it will
>      let you
>      think you have succeeded then trample all over the boot loader the
>      first
>      time you boot back to the evil OS.
>      Hated the case. So, I bought a build case. Tight on money at the
>      time so not
>      the one I really wanted... Now have plenty of room and front USB
>      ports which
>      my old one lacks, but still not happy with it. BTW, changing a case
>      is
>      almost as much work as building one without the satisfaction of
>      being able
>      to say you built your computer.
>      Could go on however this thread also educated me to the real reason
>      I hate
>      it. Bloated web browsers! Yes, I'm a tab junkie. Keep a bunch of
>      forums open
>      at all times. Worked great on the old box, slow as molasses in
>      winter on the
>      newer one. Been moving my daily reads one by one to the new box this
>      year as
>      they fall like dominos on the old one. SSL, "No cypher overlap"...
>      Current plan is to upgrade the newer box since it too is end of life
>      and
>      start researching browsers and how to un-bloat at least one if
>      possible.
>    --
>    "no government by experts in which the masses do not have the chance to
>    inform the experts as to their needs can be anything but an oligarchy
>    managed in the interests of the few." - John Dewey

Byron A. Jeff
Associate Professor: Department of Computer Science and Information Technology
College of Information and Mathematical Sciences
Clayton State University

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