[ale] What's my job title?

Phil Turmel philip at turmel.org
Tue May 9 15:28:27 EDT 2017

On 05/09/2017 11:03 AM, Alex Carver wrote:
> On 2017-05-08 07:01, Lightner, Jeffrey wrote:
>> I think if garbage collectors can be called Sanitation Engineers the idea that "engineer" requires a license is laughable at best.
> It matters when the engineer can have a direct and material effect on
> the health and welfare of a person (e.g. civil, electrical, mechanical
> ).  It also harms the reputation of engineers with the public due to
> confusion or derision.  Diluting the term engineer does a disservice to
> the public and to the engineers.

You have a much higher opinion of Professional Engineers than I do.
I've known numerous P.E.s in my 30-year career and very few P.E.s I've
met stood out as particularly talented.  In fact, I've seen seen a
couple talented engineers here in GA blackballed by existing P.E.s for
political and/or economic reasons.  Piss off the wrong guy, no P.E. for you!

As far as I'm concerned, the P.E. here in Georgia has as much
credibility as a Hair Braiding License.

Show me an engineering diploma from a reputable school and you're an
engineer as far as I'm concerned.

Fortunately, electrically engineering has very few jobs that have a
legal requirement for a P.E., so I chose early on to avoid the swamp.
And don't regret it a bit.


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