[ale] Kernel patches to CentOS 6 vs standard

Lightner, Jeffrey JLightner at dsservices.com
Mon Jun 5 09:50:50 EDT 2017

In addition to the “kernel” rpm for the specific version of kernel you have you’d want to get kernel-devel and kernel-headers rpms from the CentOS repositories.

You might also want to add kernel-debuginfo and kernel-doc.

Just remember the 2.6.32 you see in CentOS does differ from the upstream version because RedHat will have back ported security and bug fixes (and some enhancements) into it from later upstream versions.   This is why you see the extended “-696” versioning – that is specific to RHEL and CentOS since CentOS is a compile from RHEL sources.

From: ale-bounces at ale.org [mailto:ale-bounces at ale.org] On Behalf Of James Sumners
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2017 9:34 AM
To: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts
Subject: Re: [ale] Kernel patches to CentOS 6 vs standard

Apply the source tree to the kernel.org<http://kernel.org> git branch and do a `git diff`?

On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 9:20 AM, Chris Fowler <cfowler at outpostsentinel.com<mailto:cfowler at outpostsentinel.com>> wrote:
I'm working on some USB 3.0 problems in 2.6.38 standard (from kernel.org<http://kernel.org>).  I don't really see these in CentOS 6.9.

Is there a way I can see the delta between 2.6.32-696 (CentOS) and 2.6.38 (kernel.org<http://kernel.org>)?  I'd like to patch those changes into 2.6.38.


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James Sumners
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