[ale] vim set list not showing special characters seen with cat -vt

Ed Cashin ecashin at noserose.net
Fri Jun 2 15:26:30 EDT 2017

Lately vim seems too smart for its own good.

I installed ed to work with special characters lately, and it shows them as
a sequence of bytes.  I thought that "-C" would cause vim to show a
sequence of bytes in compatibility mode, but it still shows a spade in the
example below.

Often, "sed -l filename" is handy.  It uses the same "l" command for
"listing" that ed supports.  Note the "1l" command below, which means, "Go
to line one and print a listing."

bash$ python3 -c "print('\u2660')" > spade.txt
bash$ vi !$
vi spade.txt
bash$ vi -C spade.txt
bash$ ed !$
ed spade.txt

On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 3:01 PM, Lightner, Jeffrey <JLightner at dsservices.com>

> The internet has a thousand posts saying “:set list” will show hidden
> characters.
> However that is NOT showing characters I know to be in the file:
> If I do a “cat” with no flags on a file it contains a line (obfuscated to
> protect the guilty) like this:
> The key field being:
> If I run “cat –vt” on the file to show special characters and tabs I can
> see that field actually has extra hidden characters in it:
> If I do vim of the file the field appears as it did in cat without the
> “-vt” flags.
> If I do “:set list” it shows me other characters (e.g. $ for each end of
> line) but does NOT show the extra characters seen for the above field that
> I see with “cat –vt”).
> How do I get vim to show the same  characters in the field that I see with
> “cat –vt”?
> When I ran “file” on this file it says it is “UTF-8 Unicode text” whereas
> usually files of this type (without the special characters) simply show
> they are “ASCII text”.   Presumably it is the special characters in this
> one that make it appear as UTF-8.   Doing :set options to change encoding
> to utf8 does NOT show the characters either.
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  Ed Cashin <ecashin at noserose.net>
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