[ale] Developer learning track question

Phil Turmel philip at turmel.org
Tue Feb 14 08:03:55 EST 2017

On 02/14/2017 07:51 AM, leam hall wrote:

> For example, I'm designing the main object in Ruby now. However, when I
> start adding MongoDB for back end storage and Neo4J for relationship
> mapping it may well change what I need from that object. Is it better to
> focus on my OOP skills first, or mix in the other stuff so the education
> is wider but potentially more shallow?

I suspect it varies with the individual some, but I've always found it
best to learn enough to solve the task at hand, with a bit of extra
reading around the fringe of that, to be the most effective.  I suspect
it's because learning remains shallow until you have some use for it.

I *do* skim the documentation of any new tech I tackle, though, just so
I have a decent idea *where* to look when I have a specific need.

Just my $0.02.


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