[ale] Need a better DHCP server than ISC's

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Tue Feb 7 16:16:12 EST 2017

On 2017-02-07 12:47, James Sumners wrote:
> I need a DHCP server that allows me to reserve addresses in a database; 
> preferably PostgreSQL. Storing leases in the database would also be fantastic. 
> But I have two bigger requirements:
> 1. it needs to support shared subnets, e.g. the "shared-network" feature of ISC DHCP
> 2. it needs to support sending strings with commas for options 172 and 242
> I've been trying out Kea for the past month or so. It's mostly great, but I just 
> found out that it doesn't support shared subnets. So I can't use it.
> Anyone have any OSS suggestions?

Try dnsmasq

There was a thread about the equivalent shared network setup on their
mailing list:


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