[ale] Thank you guys

James Sumners james.sumners at gmail.com
Wed Apr 19 09:37:07 EDT 2017

On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 9:10 AM, Raj Wurttemberg <rajaw at c64.us> wrote:

> I use Ansible in a multi-tenant VMware architecture to..
> - Trigger RHEL patching
> - Update .conf files
> - Take inventory
> - Validate configuration
> I used to use Ansible to help me configure VMs storage after deployment
> but I discovered that VMware can execute commands on VMs natively
> (Invoke-VMScript) and faster that I could do it with Ansible.

Yeah, that's a good list of stuff it is meant to do. I was speaking about
setup and organization. Chuck's company seems to use a central server where
multiple people work within a single "project" that has multiple playbooks.
Whereas I currently have 60 projects in my GitLab Ansible group (
https://db.tt/7VZAYCHanN). These projects range from base OS
standardization playbooks to playbooks for specific application deployments
to roles used by the others. But I'm the lone Linux admin where I work, so
I make up all of my own rules and practices. It's interesting to me to see
how other institutions accomplish the same things that I do.

James Sumners
http://james.sumners.info/ (technical profile)
http://jrfom.com/ (personal site)
http://haplo.bandcamp.com/ (music)
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