[ale] Meetup renewal time

Jim Kinney jim.kinney at gmail.com
Mon May 9 09:25:17 EDT 2016

Many thanks to those that have stepped to support ALE with their hard
earned cash!

We are 2/3 of the way to the $90 needed. Just another $30 to go.

<puts on public broadcasting pledge drive voice>

This is your ALE. From mailing list support for newbies to professional
sysadmins alike to meetings in 3 (soon 4!) locations for face to face
interaction, interesting topics, ALE is a Linux users group driven by your
needs. That's what ALE has always done - inform, educate, collaborate, and

For more than 2 decades ALE led the Linux revolution in the Atlanta area
and worldwide (mailing list members in several countries and an article in
a UK Linux magazine mentioned ALE with a photo of yours truly holding a
glass of ale). Many of the more focused tech topic groups are (very)
loosely tied through members with ALE. It's almost like ALE had children
that are all grown up now <sniff ;-)>

As ALE provides support for your Linux collaboration needs, we need your
support for ALE. Usually, I'm asking for topics and speakers but this time
it's for your financial support.

Send your contribution to:


We need $30 more to meet our obligation to fund the meetup account. We've
had 5 members step up with generosity to get us to $60 so far. A huge
(HUGE!) thank you for that!

So take a short break from your regular Monday morning and support ALE in
whatever amount you choose.

</public broadcasting voice>

Hmm. I wonder if we could get Ira Glass to write a guilt filled email.  :-}

Thanks everyone!
On May 6, 2016 8:54 PM, "Jim Kinney" <jim.kinney at gmail.com> wrote:

> Next week, meetup.com wants $90 for another 6 months. Donations are
> welcome.
> We have 800 people signed up and at least half were members of more than
> 20 other groups at the time they joined ALE's meetup.
> I am very happy to see people at meetings. Let's keep it going.
> At this point, it looks like May will be an off month. June will be a
> multiple person presentation covering various virtualization and
> containerization tools by request. Plan to be there or at least be ready
> for the debut of ALE live web conferences!
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