[ale] [OT] Cell phone reception

Jeff Hubbs jhubbslist at att.net
Mon Jul 4 17:08:56 EDT 2016

Very much OT. I'm spending an unusual amount of time at my mother's 
house near Macon, GA these days and although I've reported it to AT&T 
twice, nothing has been done about the terrible cell phone reception. I 
have to go outside and cycle into and out of airplane mode to get 4G or 
LTE; inside the house I have to be within a foot or so of a north- or 
east-facing window. This is a serious problem because I often need to 
make and take calls, text, or do some basic Internet stuff.

Is there anything practical I can do for reasonable amounts of money to 
improve reception in the house? I've even thought about even maybe 
sticking a Yagi outside and cabling it straight to a fractal radiator or 
another Yagi inside.

I ask here because I figure there are folks who know what solutions 
aren't in the "As Seen On TV," "Solar FREAKIN' Roadways," "infrared 
jewelry," or "copper-infused socks" class.

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