[ale] Is there a system to encourage using styles?

Tom Freeman tfreeman at intel.digichem.net
Tue Oct 6 09:00:03 EDT 2015

On Mon, 5 Oct 2015, Jim Kinney wrote:

> so a DIY WordPerfect? :-)
> I still want a "reveal codes" option on every word processor I've used since
> WP.  <sigh>

Well, Libreoffice doesn't drop to as low a point as WP with respect to 
"reveal codes", but I use what there is.

What I miss is the level of customer suppor the original WP corporation 
provided the end user. Admittedly, the phone que got too long at times, 
but the reps I got knew the product, and were willing to fight their way 
through this customer's confusion. I was duly informed once that I had 
actually triggered a real bug in the system - sort of a high point in my 
day - _and_ got a work-around.

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