[ale] thunderbird

DJ-Pfulio djpfulio at jdpfu.com
Fri May 29 09:12:45 EDT 2015

On 05/29/2015 08:46 AM, Paul Cartwright wrote:
> ok, I know this is nit-picking... when I go to compose a new email ( or
> forward, reply..) the new window opens on the left side of my screen.
> That is also the side where I have my browser, and I like to copy/paste
> from the browser frequently.. I see nowhere to have the compose window
> open someplace else, like the middle or right side of the screen... is
> this asking too much?
> fedora 22 if it matters..

In the olden days, pre-DE, the WM controlled where every window was placed. So
... whatever WM you are using, check that to control stuff like this.

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