[ale] Kiosk slideshow with reload

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Tue May 19 19:18:10 EDT 2015

Google is failing me a bit but I'm looking for a lightweight slideshow
capability that can watch a directory for new files and display them in
a continuous loop.

I've tried feh and qiv which both manage to display in a loop but they
fail to pick up on a new file if it shows up in the directory.  A couple
places mentioned gthumb but that seems to involve bringing the full
weight of GNOME which might just overload something (I could go up to a
NUC-sized machine but I don't want to pay for massive horsepower if I
don't need it).

At the same time, anyone know how to specify to linux and X11 that a
large HDMI screen is bolted to the wall sideways (rotated 90 degrees)?

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