[ale] DVD sound broken after patching CentOS 6.6

Paul Cartwright pbcartwright at gmail.com
Sun Jul 26 20:26:10 EDT 2015

On 07/26/2015 03:21 PM, Bob Toxen wrote:
> Hi All, my weakest Linux ability is multimedia.
> After very recent patching of my CentOS 6.6 systems,
> sound no longer works either from DVDs or CDs or videos from news sites
> (Yahoo & Fox).
> I suspect that it is a codec problem but I do know know how to repair.
> The video from the above sources works fine but no audio.
> Invoking "aplay" on a .wav file generates no sound or complaint.
> Ditto for "speaker-test".
> However, having mapped ^G to the sound of a bell in X, I get that sound
> when I output a ^G to an Xterm screen.
I always find ( fedora) that I need pulseaudio volume control installed.
then when I play anything, I pull up PA volume, and select the correct
output device. I only need to do that once for each app. vlc, chrome....

don't forget alsa-tools .. and alsa-tools-firmware, and

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux User #367800 and new counter #561587

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