[ale] OT(ish) Sold or stolen?

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Thu Sep 4 02:21:02 EDT 2014

On 2014-09-03 23:08, Robert Reese wrote:

> I find it highly unlikely it has been imprisoned on the Death Star's core all this time without some sort of escape attempt.  Are you absolutely sure it has never ventured outside of AT&T's own little world?  Has your email address ever seen a third-party's light of day, maybe moonlighting as official AT&T business?  I must assume AT&T has affiliates or marketing partners.

I know, it went down the garbage chute into the trash compactors. :)

The sale or theft of the address is an interesting question which is why
I brought it up.  In theory (meaning actually reading it and doing what
it says), their own TOS states that the email used for billing is not
supposed to go to any affiliates or other marketing partners.  If they
did sell it or hand it over to an affiliate then that violated their own

In the two plus years that I used that particular address with them I've
never received an email from anyone outside of AT&T that was any form of
marketing pitch.  The only emails that particular address has ever seen
were billing messages (statement ready for viewing, bill reminders,
etc.) direct from AT&T.  Nor have I ever seen an attempt in the logs to
try and send to that address.  So it's really a case of them leaking it
out.  I'll won't know for sure if they simply violated their TOS because
they felt like it or if someone broke in.  I can only wait and see what
happens with the new address.

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