[ale] [ANNC] ALE-NW @ SPSU MTG. for THIS Thurs., Aug 28, 7:30pm
jdp at algoloma.com
Mon Aug 25 08:23:16 EDT 2014
This SPECIAL ALE-NW at SPSU meeting is being held THIS Thursday August 28th, 2014
at 7:30pm in room J-266 of the Atrium (J) building on the SPSU campus. This is
an open meeting. Everyone is invited, students, non-students, old and young.
Topic: Linux for Windows Users
Date: 8/28 @ 7:30p - 9:30p-ish
Where: SPSU J-266 (different from last year)
* Quick ALE-NW Org Discussion
* Future Meetings / Topics
* Volunteers Needed
* Linux Explained from a Windows Perspective
Most of the meeting will be spent on the last bullet and I doubt we'll get
through the material.
What is Linux, where to get it, architecture, distros, why diff distros, DEs,
Package Managers, CLI/Shell, a few useful commands, file system layout, disk
layout, special files/devices, installation or LiveCD?, runlevels, multi-user
considerations, and common software. Finishing up with links to get more
information on the different distros.
This will all be overviews and generalizations due to the time, but will provide
the why-does-linux-work-this-way answer for Windows users. If nothing else,
Linux is flexible which is the greatest asset.
I hope to see you there!
ALE-NW usually meets the 2nd Thursday of the month at the SPSU campus.
Please mark this on your calendar as a reoccurring meeting.
The group usually adjourns to the Marietta Diner after the meeting.
For a campus map and a link to directions please see
<http ://www.spsu.edu/visitspsu/campusmaps/index.htm>
or visit the ALE-NW webpage page at
<http://tomshiro.org/twiki/view/ALE/AleNwOrg> for information links from prior
Learn more about GA-400 Linux Group: http://www.meetup.com/GA-400-Linux-Group/
We informally meet most Sundays to discuss Linux.
Free parking after 7pm in non-reserved spaces in the P60 deck is best. If you
park before that time, you may get a ticket, boot, or towed.
Building J, the Atrium building, is a short distance east of the parking deck.
ALE-NW at SPSU meetings are open events and we hope you will join us! We generally
meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month, but always watch the ale.org email list
for specifics. Also remember that topic suggestions and presentation offers the
meetings can be emailed to [ jdp (at) algoloma (dot) com] or [griggs (dot) andy
(at) gmail (dot) com]
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