[ale] Disk Space used in the past 5 days

JD jdp at algoloma.com
Thu Aug 14 11:17:50 EDT 2014

On 08/14/2014 10:48 AM, Chuck Payne wrote:
> find . -mtime +5 -exec du -sh {} \;

It seems to be asking for files OVER 5 days old. You want less than 5 days, right?

find . -mtime -5 -exec du -sh {} \;

Also - directory changes will be included, so limiting it to files might be a
good idea.

find . -mtime -5 -type f -exec du -sh {} \;

I'm not getting the "summary" -

find . -mtime -5 -type f  -print0 |  du -hc --files0-from=-

Is closer.

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