[ale] burning blu-ray discs

Sean Kilpatrick kilpatms at gmail.com
Tue Aug 12 15:37:26 EDT 2014

Apparently my antiquated version of k3b can't handle blu-ray discs.  It 
properly identifies the blank disc and then insists I replace it with a 
blank DVD.
That's slick, but I would like to burn a 6.6 Gb iso of CentOS-7.0 
(everything) and use that for a fresh install. Obviously that isn't 
going to fit on a DVD.

The new optical drive can deal with both Blu-ray and M-disc.  
<yum upgrade k3b>  reports "No packages marked for Update."

Related issue: trying to reach the repo at livna.org I get a 404 error, 
which seems odd.

But my basic question is this:  is there any software that will burn an 
.iso to a Blu-Ray disc that will work on Fedora?

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