[ale] [ANNC] ALE CENTRAL MTG for 7:30pm on Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013
Aaron Ruscetta
arxaaron at gmail.com
Tue Oct 29 14:37:32 EDT 2013
I'm thrilled to announce that our ALE Central meeting for
7:30pm on Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013 will be following our
traditional format and will be held at our long running
Room 1C venue at Emory Law School's Gambrel Hall.
(but please see note below)**
The featured presentation will be:
Using OpenVPN in a Monitored World
presented by Brian MacLeod
-- If there's one thing the government folks can't stand, it
is lots of work for little reward. Most of us will never be
interesting targets, and while many would say we're safe
because of that, it doesn't hurt to help protect yourself in
whatever way you can.
-- I hope to prepare anyone looking to add a little secure
networking with advice on deploying OpenVPN in ways
that help make it harder for your information stream to be
captured and sifted or otherwise subjected to unwarranted
and malicious access.
-- Brian MacLeod is a Systems Engineer at the Georgia
Institute of Technology, supporting research on high
performance computing resources with the Partnership
for Advanced Computing Environment (PACE) team.
The meeting will be held at Emory Law School in our
usual Gambrel Hall, room 1C venue.
Our meeting time frame is 7:30pm to ~9:20pm
Directions to Emory Law School can be found at
**An important note that this will very likely be the last
time we will be able to host an ALE Central Meeting or
special event at this venue. Emory Law School's newest
facilities management has decided to end the good will
policy of support for the wider local community and will
now be restricting facility use to Law School activities
Emory Law School, through the ongoing support and
involvement of ALE member Ben Chapman in their IT
department, has been generously providing ALE with
unused classroom space for meetings and special
events for more than ten years. We have been
exceptionally fortunate in receiving this long running
support for our organization and deeply appreciate
everyone at Emory Law School who has helped with
these arrangements over the years.
As always, the announcement information is also
available on our web site: <http://ale.org>
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