[ale] Survey - preferred Linux distro, desktop, and browser.

Tom Freeman tfreeman at intel.digichem.net
Fri Oct 18 08:26:39 EDT 2013

On Thu, 17 Oct 2013, Beddingfield, Allen wrote:

> So...
> What is your preferred desktop distribution?
> What is your preferred desktop/window manager?
> What is preferred browser?
Desktop distribution(s) Fedora 19, Ubuntu 13.4, and CentOS
Window Manager bouncing between cinamin(sp?) and Mate - will pull up 
gnome-3 on rare occasions in the hope of breaking some mind lock-in 
(doesn't work)
Browser 98% firefox in various configurations - chrome otherwise

Not asked - but...
libreoffice for document stuff - with the realization I need 1) learn to 
use the suite more effectively so later edits don't become exercises in 
reformating 2) want to learn LaTeX  with proper document management system 
behind it.

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