[ale] Device with two wireless lans

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Tue Mar 26 16:11:55 EDT 2013

On 3/26/2013 09:58, Chris Fowler wrote:
> I bought this off eBay:
> http://tinyurl.com/bswa5v2
> The picture is confusing and lead me to believe that this device would
> allow me to have to wireless lans and route between them.  Why?  Because
> the Verizon mifi has a limit of 5 devices.  Also I'm going to Orlando
> over spring break and I could have only one wireless connection to the
> hotel network.
> It does not do that.  I can function as a bridge and I could pair it
> with one of my dd-wrt Linksys routers.
> This led me thinking about my routers.  I have one that is WRT54GL v7
> and can support virtual wireless lans.  Is it possible to configure the
> real one as a client of the mifi then create a virtual one routing between?

It's been done on some routers, depends on the chipset.  Here's a start 
from the OpenWRT forums:


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