[ale] asp user learning php?

Leam Hall leamhall at gmail.com
Sat Mar 9 06:26:59 EST 2013

On 03/08/2013 07:29 PM, Richard Bronosky wrote:
> Well then, this is REALLY not an answer to the question as asked, but
> I'll going to say it anyway. Now is a bad time to learn php. I did
> professional php for 10 years. I worked at Yahoo! I had folks like
> Rasmus Lerdorf and Jeremy Zawodny as peers. So, I'm not just a basher.
> However, after learning Python and getting involved in that community I
> can tell you that the quality of code developed in each are vastly
> unequal. Python encourages better coding. Php is now often a case of the
> blind leading the blind. Just saying you are a php developer gets you
> looked down upon by many employers and developers with a computer
> science background. I would not change the choice I made in 1999, but I
> wouldn't make it again today.
> Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using the Swype software keyboard.
> --Richard Bronosky

While I respect Richard's opinion, I would disagree with timing on 
learning PHP. There are good PHP programmers out there, though the 
language does make it easy for bad programmers to flourish. PHP is the 
most used web programming language so there will be jobs available. PHP 
is also very capable of database integration, frameworks, and a lot of 
other useful stuff when you want to communicate to humans.

In 5 years that might not be the case: PHP could be the COBOL of the 
web. However, for presenting information to people it is still the most 
used and as far as I can tell most capable of the lot.

Of course, I have a stack of PHP books behind me so I might be biased.  :)


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