[ale] OT: looking for a vmware VCP "bootcamp" facility in Georgia

David Ritchie deritchie at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 12:16:26 EST 2013

On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 1:40 AM, Van Loggins <vanloggins at gmail.com> wrote:

> Does anyone on the list know of a good reputable facility in Georgia that
> does vmware VCP boot camps.
> I want to get certified, but I have trouble concentrating as most of the
> study guides and books bore me to tears, and it doesn't help that I have
> mild attention deficit disorder. I figure a bootcamp environment would help
> immerse me and allow me to focus with no outside distractions.
> Van,
     I am pretty certain you have to take the VCP class from VMWare in any
case (at least that is the way is used to be) before sitting for
the exam. Can't recommend any outside course, but you might go research
local classes and repoll for opinions on value of instruction received.
Googling "VCP 5 bootcamp atlanta" might be a good start to form a list. I
saw quotes in the ~$4k range.

My 0.02 worth,
David Ritchie
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