[ale] Can't find LVM volumes on USB drive

Jim Lynch ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com
Fri Nov 30 16:48:38 EST 2012

On 11/30/2012 11:18 AM, Jim Kinney wrote:
> The problem is that this arrangement looks like a default 
> rhel/centos/fedora drive with sde1 is boot, sde2 is swap and sde3 is 
> LVM with / and home. If you just create a single LV inside sde3 you 
> may be able to extract most of the stuff up to the boundary that no 
> longer exists. Ugh.
Ugh is right.  I now have a very clean, empty, lvm logical partition.

Oh well, nothing really lost except time.  And perhaps a few stray 


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