[ale] [ALE] OT: article on encryption keys and cloud computing

Sean Kilpatrick kilpatms at gmail.com
Tue Nov 13 22:44:11 EST 2012

Management often doesn't understand the concept of a "set" of tools.
Management knows of only one tool:  the hammer.  That means they never see 
complex problems, only nails.  And they know how to deal with nails.



On Tuesday, November 13, 2012 09:30:02 pm Ben Coleman wrote:
> On 11/13/2012 14:42, Jonathan Meek wrote:
> > When a person tips pretty hard into a process or item without the
> > appearance of seeing the drawbacks, I like calling it the "mythical
> > tool" syndrome.
> > 
> > "This tool will solve all our development problems and cure cancer!"
> > 
> > I get this a lot because we use a few different configuration
> > management tools in my company (e.g Git, subversion, clearcase, MKS)
> > and I am always excepted to choose sides by a set of engineers.
> I kind of expect this from certain types of management, where they
> don't call it a tool - they call it a solution.  The problems with
> treating a tool as a solution have been highlighted before.  But I'm
> puzzled at engineers who expect to have a one-size-fits-all tool. 
> Have people forgotten the benefits of knowing  a set (mmultiple!) of
> tools and choosing the one that's appropriate for the current job?
> Ben
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