[ale] Google vs. Oracle - The great android debate

Stephen R. Blevins stephen.r.blevins at gmail.com
Thu May 31 10:48:25 EDT 2012

Those wishing to follow such machinations in excruciating detail can 
keep consulting http://www.groklaw.net, as I have.  For me, all this is 
now "old news."  Choose your own schedule, YMMV

Stephen R. Blevins
stephen.r.blevins at gmail.com

On 05/31/2012 08:59 AM, Rich Faulkner wrote:
> The new issue of LXF is out and features an interesting read on the
> court case of Google vs. Oracle. Looks like Google has traction on their
> assertion that the nine lines of code that were used (considered by
> Oracle to be of no financial value) are not enough to constitute a
> violation of licensing or copyright. Most interestingly it is being
> revealed that a "process" or "method" cannot be copyrighted. In other
> words, if you observe the function of a system (and reproduce that
> functionality in your own right); that this is not a copyright
> infringement.
> There is more to go in this case but so far it is looking promising for
> Android and Google.
> RinL
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