[ale] I really incredibly exponentially hate ubuntu unity

Ron Frazier (ALE) atllinuxenthinfo at techstarship.com
Wed May 16 20:56:03 EDT 2012

Here's another vendor which specializes in custom building Linux systems. I think the owner is visually impaired. I've heard about him on some Linux podcasts. He builds systems for both normal sighted and visually impaired customers. There's not much on the website, so I'm not sure exactly what his status is, but I thought I'd mention it.





Sent from my Android Acer A500 tablet with bluetooth keyboard and K-9 Mail.
Please excuse my potential brevity.

(To whom it may concern. My email address has changed. Replying to former
messages prior to 03/31/12 with my personal address will go to the wrong
address. Please send all personal correspondence to the new address.)

(PS - If you email me and don't get a quick response, you might want to
call on the phone. I get about 300 emails per day from alternate energy
mailing lists and such. I don't always see new email messages very quickly.)

Ron Frazier
770-205-9422 (O) Leave a message.
linuxdude AT techstarship.com

Pablo Ordonez <pablo.f.ordonez at gmail.com> wrote:

I use Ubuntu as my main work tool. I try to make my life as simple as I can, so 99% of my work time is shared among emacs, a terminal, and a browser(chromium). I do not use Unity that much; however, I find HUD very clever and useful to find shortcuts in the different modes in emacs. I know that my work can be done by any distribution, so why I use Ubuntu?

Because they are very clear about what they want. They are trying to reach the desktop, laptop market,  and they NAME PUBLICLY  who are the Monopolistic contenders.  

Today I bought a decent laptop at http://www.avadirect.com  without paying Microsoft tax.  That happened no because of slack, mint, fedora etc.. ( although they can install those distributions).

I do not (super_hyper_ultra)-hate Red Hat, Fedora, Slack. I guess, they are wonderful distributions and I'm glad some people enjoy them.  I think this kind of threads does not help to Linux or Linux community. Pls code more and talk less to improve your favorite distribution.

Pablo :)

On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 11:46 PM, Jay Lozier <jslozier at gmail.com> wrote:

On 05/15/2012 11:10 PM, rhia wrote:
> I like top post Tuesday as well.
> And I really like Enlightenment as well, too.
> Ron, I feel your pain, which is why Ubuntu et al annoy me almost, but
> not quite, as much as the abomination from Redmond.
> I ran Slackware with a hybridized bastardized gnome/KDE/Enlightenment
> desktop setup for years and then switched over to Gentoo with a
> hybridized bastardized gnome/KDE/Enlightenment desktop setup.
> Yes, it took a while to work the bugs out.
> No, it's not something I would install on my parents' systems.
> However; once tweaked, and fiddled with, and tweaked some more, I have a
> system (and backup configs) that suits me and I can transport to new
> hardware or reinstall whenever needed. To me, that ability (to
> customize, tweak, fiddle with, etc) is why I prefer running the much
> more finicky? persnickety? Gentoo on my own systems. (Sadly, it's also
> why I dislike the Windows/Apple wannabes, but that might well start a
> distro war I'm not wanting to battle here and now.)
> ----
> rhia

IMHO, the advantage of Linux is one word: choice. If you do not like the
default you can install and tweak so that you have a system that suits
your needs. You can hate a DE but you can change it, often fairly
easily. Try this with M$ or Apple, you can only do the tweaks they allow.

> On Tue, 2012-05-15 at 16:00 -0400, Geoffrey Myers wrote:
>> It's top post Tuesday....
>> Enlightenment.  Build it from source.
>> On 05/15/2012 01:34 PM, Sparr wrote:
>>> The exceptionally premature adoption of kde 4.1 by most distros is what
>>> drove me to convert from kde to gnome a few years ago. Unity has driven
>>> me back to kde and I'm almost as happy with the latest kde as I was
>>> prior to 4.0
>>> On May 15, 2012 1:16 PM, "William Bagwell"<rb211 at tds.net
>>> <mailto:rb211 at tds.net>>  wrote:
>>>      On Tuesday 15 May 2012, Ron Frazier (ALE) wrote:
>>>       >snip (21 point rant)
>>>       >  Any help and advice is appreciated.
>>>      Can offer nothing more than condolances. What you so eloquently describe
>>>      mirrors my brief experience with KDE 4.X and explains why I am still
>>>      using a *four year old* distro as my daily desktop.
>>>      Waiting for some kind soul to port Trinity to Mandriva so I can
>>>      upgrade...
>>>      --
>>>      William
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Jay Lozier
jslozier at gmail.com

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