[ale] OT: Flexible rollup keyboard recommendation?

Chris Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Thu May 3 16:03:03 EDT 2012


Have you bought a roll-up keyboard?

If I can find mine you can have it just for the cost of shipping it to 
you.  I live in Buford so unless you are up here the fuel cost would be 
too great to hand deliver it.

I am a fast typer, but do it by "touch".  I never learned how to type. 
The roll-up exaggerated my errors.  I also did not like the response of 
the keys.  The Happy Hacking I started using in 2000 because I have a 
desk that has a small keyboard and mouse area.  A full size keyboard 
would not leave enough space for a mouse.  Since learning how to use the 
HH I bought 2 extra for travel.  The HH I'm typing this email on I 
bought at Comdex in Las Vegas in 2000.  I believe that was the last 
Comdex show.  They had a booth and was doing $20 special.  I should have 
bought 5.  This one is going strong.  The other two I paid average 
$50/ea.  One is PS/2 and the other USB.


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