[ale] What is an easy open vpn to set up

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Wed Mar 28 04:34:08 EDT 2012

"Michael H. Warfield" <mhw at WittsEnd.com> writes:

> That was strictly an example.  Sort of like using test.com for a domain
> name.  That would also imply that he's dealing with a NAT device.  The
> fact that it is so common is why I used it for the example block.

Actually, test.com is a real domain, based out of Drums, PA.  You should
be using "example.com" for domain name examples.  That's the IANA
allocated example domain.

-derek, resident persnickety pedant   :)

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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