[ale] OT Asus laptop stinkin' key legends coming off the stinkin' keys

Pete Hardie pete.hardie at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 14:45:55 EDT 2012

Curiously, my 'N' is one of the fading ones as well.  Says something
about our word choice, perhaps.

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 14:30, Lightner, Jeff <JLightner at water.com> wrote:
> I’m seeing the degradation on my Dell D650 laptop but so far it mainly
> affects the N key for no reason I can figure out.  However, that is after
> 2-3 years of use.   At 9 months I’d have to say ASUS is the issue.

Pete Hardie
Better Living Through Bitmaps

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