[ale] help - ATI video card hell

Ron Frazier atllinuxenthinfo at c3energy.com
Thu Nov 3 15:57:05 EDT 2011

ATI / AMD just happens to be what I originally built the machine around 
and have experience with. Also, the mobo supports ATI Crossfire, 
although I'm not currently using that. The install procedure I 
referenced had a small test procedure that posted a 2" x 2" graphic with 
a 3D cube rotating at high speed. Once I finally got the driver 
installed, that worked fine. And I'm getting the proper resolution out 
of my monitor. Other than that, I can't speak to the quality of the driver.



On 11/03/2011 03:46 PM, James Sumners wrote:
> People say the rule I follow has changed in recent years, but
> experiences like yours keeps me convinced otherwise. My rule is "don't
> buy an ATI (now AMD) video card for any machine on which I _might
> ever_ want to run 3D accelerated X11." The drivers are crap. I buy
> nVidia and use nVidia's drivers.
> On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 15:15, Ron Frazier<atllinuxenthinfo at c3energy.com>  wrote:
>> If AMD wrote the driver for Linux, why can't they provide a
>> one click (or few click) GUI installer like they do for other OS's?
>> Installing a video card shouldn't take 2 hours of research and procedures.


(PS - If you email me and don't get a quick response, you might want to
call on the phone.  I get about 300 emails per day from alternate energy
mailing lists and such.  I don't always see new messages very quickly.)

Ron Frazier

770-205-9422 (O)   Leave a message.
linuxdude AT c3energy.com

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