[ale] find @ ale-jobs

William Bagwell rb211 at tds.net
Tue May 31 18:00:36 EDT 2011

On Tuesday 31 May 2011, Asher Vilensky wrote:
> Found the company; the question about the search facility for our
> archives still valid.

Pipermail kind of sucks in the search department. I'm hoping that Mailman 
3.0 will have better archives. (2.X stream is feature froze...) Also wish 
for a way for ordinary list owners (not the site owner) to be able to 
edit the archives. 

Not sure about the jobs list, but the main list is subscribed to both 
gMain and Google groups. So you can search their archives...

Oh, and the company I know of with orange in its name often goes by simply 

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