[ale] Yet ANOTHER reason to love Linux

Richard Faulkner rfaulkner at 34thprs.org
Mon Jan 17 20:42:38 EST 2011

Dittos!  Same story for me when I switched to Fedora12 with an Epson
Stylus Photo 1400...it installed straight-away w/o issue and hasn't
missed a beat since.  I've supported Window$ since 1995 and drove DOS
and DYNIX/UNIX before that.  (Anyone remember DYNIX?)  Leaving M$ on a
personal level is something I should have done years ago and is product
that I definitely don't miss!  Now if I can get myself into a *nix world
and not have to go with my M$ background so much on a professional
level.  (Working on that one....)


-----Original Message-----
From: Joshua Kite <jwkite at gmail.com>
Reply-to: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts <ale at ale.org>
To: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts <ale at ale.org>
Subject: [ale] Yet ANOTHER reason to love Linux
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 19:48:53 -0500

My color laser printer died, so today was the day I picked out a
replacement.  I settled on an HP Officejet Pro 8000.  Hopefully it's a
good printer.  (Kudos to HP for their longstanding support of Linux and
actually mentioning on their website that the printer has a Linux

The reason to love Linux today is the ease of installation.  It took me
about 3 minutes to install the printer on my Ubuntu desktop, and that
process auto-detected the printer and automatically selected the right

On my wife's Vi$ta machine, however, I had to insert a disc and wait.
 Then I pushed some buttons and waited.  It's probably installing a ton
of applications I really don't want, and 20 minutes later, I'm still
waiting on it to finish.  What a drag.

The more I work with M$ products and Linux, the more convinced I am that
Linux is becoming the easier OS to use.

Josh Kite

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