[ale] C Compiler for Linux

Jeff Hubbs jhubbslist at att.net
Thu Apr 21 06:27:43 EDT 2011

On 4/21/11 6:19 AM, Pete Hardie wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 00:54, Richard Faulkner<rfaulkner at 34thprs.org>  wrote:
>> What I have in mind is something to use as a trainer for C.  Later on I will
>> be developing a VM for OS X to try my hand at app development for iPhone and
>> another for Android.  It's on my bucket list to learn C and tweak my
>> favorite Linux programs and I'm getting the idea of trying my hand at app
>> development for those who are loose of pocket with their money for their
>> favorite portable devices.
> My understanding is that the iPhone development is primarily C#, and
> Android is Java.
In a pig's eye is iPhone app development done in C#.  Steve Jobs would 
rather eat an iPhone.

It's called Objective-C, a small and simple extension of C.

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