[ale] Unix Automation?

Michael Potter michael at potter.name
Mon Apr 18 09:01:53 EDT 2011

On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 8:23 AM, Damon Chesser <dchesser at acsi2000.com> wrote:
> All,
> I was talking to a Unix guy today at work and he said he is getting used to
> Linux, but one thing he noticed is “Linux is about as mature as Unix was 10
> years ago”.  He said that many of the things you have to do manually in
> Linux is done automatically for you in Unix.  It was a short conversation.
> I am curious, having never used Unix, anybody have a clue what  he might
> have meant?
>  Sincerely,
> Damon Chesser
> damon at damtek.com

To answer this question I think we would need to know which "UNIX" he is using.
AIX, HPUX, Solaris, SunOS, ...

I can give me 2 cents about AIX:
The AIX kernel does not need to be tuned.  This reduces the burden on
the sysadmin when installing some commercial packaged sw that makes
extensive use of shared memory and semaphores.

Michael Potter

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