[ale] [OT] Load Control Switch

Mike Harrison cluon at geeklabs.com
Wed Apr 13 21:09:54 EDT 2011

On Wed, 13 Apr 2011, Randy wrote:
> Stop Smart Meters!
> http://stopsmartmeters.org/2011/03/25/pges-opt-out-plan-a-trojan-horse-the-smart-meter-is-the-problem/
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfT2nfIn8uo
> http://af.reuters.com/article/idAFLDE6860P520100908?pageNumber=2&virtualBrandChannel=0
> http://stopsmartmeters.org/how-you-can-stop-smart-meters/ca-local-governments-on-board/

Disclaimer: I am in the "smart meter business" and I am currently in S. 
America on limited bandwidth (installing "smart" meter systems),
so I can't watch the youtube video, etc..


Smart meters are about (in my perceived order):

   Theft/tamper detection

   Quality/load detection

   Time of use billing (it is coming, sooner in the TVA area)

   Prepaid electricity (meter turns off automatically. reconnects automatically)

   "Credit Control" same as prepaid for arrears billing customers, power
   turns off at bill due date + 3 days typically, or limits to your deposit amount of usage.

Most of them 'chatter" RF at 900mhz or 2.4ghz (or licensed freqs) at very 
low power at very low bandwidth at occaisional times. ie: 1 to 4 times a 
day to some "constant" systems.

On topic: Our servers are Linux based.. Ubuntu 10.04 currently. Some of 
the newer meters have Linux or Linux derived internals. A lot of the 
"smart grid" com gear is Linux based. Great stuff.

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