[ale] [OT] Load Control Switch

Mike Harrison cluon at geeklabs.com
Wed Apr 13 20:56:19 EDT 2011

Good units change the thermostat just like you would..
and that is the right way. That way the fan stays running
until the coils warm/cool and extract the heat/cool
you payed for.

Bad units drop the mains to the compressor.

Good thermostat control units won't shut down
your gas heat...

Bad units... well you get the idea.

btw: Most incentives are -monthly-... not a one time credit.

On Wed, 13 Apr 2011, Michael Potter wrote:

> This is off topic, but there seems to be other discussions about
> electric power related topics.
> The power company has offered a $36/unit incentive to install a load
> control switch on my AC units.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Load_control
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Load_control_switch
> I don't really care about the $36.
> I am interested in being a good citizen and cooperating to keep
> electrical rates down.
> I already have a programmable thermostat so I don't think they will
> save much with me.
> My questions are:
> a) Does anyone have first hand knowledge of the quality of install?
> b) Will this switch turn off a running unit, or just prevent a stopped
> unit from starting?
> c) If it abruptly stops a running unit, will that shorten the life?

Mike Harrison   bogon at geeklabs.com - heavily filtered public address
423-605-6943    http://geeklabs.com

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