[ale] Greenpois0n

Chris Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Wed Apr 13 16:41:17 EDT 2011

Anyone use Greenpois0n to jailbreak their iTouch 2G?  I'm about to bite
the bullet.  I'm tired of living with these limitations that Apple has
decided for me.  Apparently I'm not worthy of multi-tasking because I
don't buy their latest and greatest stuff every year :)

Here is the procedure I'm going to follow.

1) Upgrade to ios 4.2.1
2) Use itunes to sync and backup my itouch.
3) Download greenpois0n and do the deed.

I assume if there is any problem I can use itunes to restore.

Will I be able to still purchase apps from itunes?  If I do have to do a
restore will I lose those I've purchased?


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