[ale] weird mouse problem

Jim Philips briarpatch.jim at gmail.com
Thu Sep 9 06:52:16 EDT 2010

I had the same understanding on xorg.conf...and then I saw the link that I
mentioned above where it was suggested I edit the file. That was a very
recent posting. The fix, by the way, was temporary. My mouse problem came
back after the next reboot. This leads me to a rant on the way Linux now
handles the mouse. At one time, I could use btnx to configure my mouse. When
X switched to evdev for handling the mouse, btnx died because it didn't play
with evdev. Now, if you want to troubleshoot mouse issues like mine, you
have to play with xinput and edit obscure files. When I first got into Linux
fifteen years ago, I had more patience for this. But I've looked everywhere
for a rock solid GUI tool to configure your mouse in Linux and I can't find
one anywhere. The tools provided by default with KDE and Gnome are just for
changing superficial things. If your problems go deeper, like mine, there is
no way out but to plunge into command line tools like xinput. And that tool
hasn't helped me yet. This is a really crummy state of affairs. I am not
using a fancy new mouse, but a Logitech Marble Mouse and it hasn't changed
much in the last ten years. But I have been troubleshooting this problem for
over a week and haven't made much progress. There is clearly a software
issue here since regions of the screen behave differently. Left-clicks may
work in the panel, but not in the browser. Sometimes right-clicking in one
region may bring back left-clicks in the other. Anyway, if anybody knows of
a foolproof way to see how my mouse buttons are mapped and fix them, please
tell me.

On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 5:49 AM, Paul Cartwright <ale at pcartwright.com> wrote:

> On Wed September 8 2010, Richard Faulkner wrote:
> > This brings me to a point on Ubuntu and the way Xorg is treated these
> > days.  My understanding is that it is depreciated correct?
> what does xorg.conf say?
> more /etc/X11/xorg.conf
> # nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
> # nvidia-xconfig:  version 1.0  (buildmeister at builder63)  Wed Oct  1
> 15:09:35
> PD
> T 2008
> --
> Paul Cartwright
> Registered Linux user # 367800
> Registered Ubuntu User #12459
> http://usdebtclock.org/
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