[ale] Humor: MySQL vs. PostgreSQL

Michael Potter michael at potter.name
Fri Oct 29 11:01:41 EDT 2010


I would like to hear more specifics about this server.
- The exact hw.
- Problems you had setting it up.
- How you test it.
- Is there a place to buy it already configured.

Michael Potter

On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 8:06 PM, Mike Harrison <cluon at geeklabs.com> wrote:

>  8< - - - 8<
> I've got an Intel Modular Server with battery backed up (on board)
> raid controller in an installation where the power goes on and off
> a lot (even past the 10hrs of UPS power). It's been a workhorse. Solid.
> The server(s) detect UPS life left via snmp and shut down gracefully
> as they get to 20%, and the UPS won't energize the outlets until it
> has 40% capacity. This system has done 85 million in "e-commerce"
> so far with no issues.
> 8< - - - - - 8<

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