[ale] Google goes retro

Mike Harrison meuon at geeklabs.com
Sat May 22 08:46:27 EDT 2010

On Fri, 21 May 2010, Rev. Johnny Healey wrote:

> There's a playable pacman on Microsoft.com, but it requires silverlight.

The difference is, Microsoft will do something like that to show the uses 
of their software/systems AND skill.  Google will do something like that
just to show off their skill, demonstrating that it will work on just 
about anything. Sure, their backend systems are a bit of everything,
and they are certainly showing off some of their tools..

But to place it for a day, on the front door of their ad-revenue creation 
empire, is pure hubris. And kewl. I hate Google, I love Google.

And as I listen to my wife this morning complain about her WinWoes(tm),
I dispise Microsoft a little more every day.

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