[ale] unusual global warming experiment

Jim Lynch ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com
Thu Feb 11 14:19:31 EST 2010

Geoffrey wrote:
> JK wrote:
>> No, I'm not slighting you, and I don't want to get into the subject
>> of inequalities in public-school funding, which have well-documented
>> causes.  (Teachers in districts with high property values usually
>> don't have the kinds of problems you cite.)
> I assure you, that is patently wrong.  I don't know of any teacher who 
> does not purchase their own supplies.  My wife, teaching for over 20 
> years has taught in the full spectrum of 'property values' and it's 
> still the same.
Mine is now retired and I'm 100% in agreement with Geoffrey.  I even had 
to buy her a copier because the school limited the number of copies a 
teacher could make.  There's money being spent by school systems but 
it's not going to help educate the kids.


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