[ale] ubuntu versus fedora

wolf at wolfhalton.info wolf at wolfhalton.info
Sat Apr 17 10:28:31 EDT 2010

This derails the comparison, but for servers, consider CentOS (redhat
enterprise server without the labels) instead of Fedora, which is the
experimental testbed for RHEL.  Fedora Core 4 had a gui
application-updater that didn't work, and they knew it didn't work, and
they were considering fixing it in FC 5.   I have Ubuntu on desktops and
always seem to end up with an alpha version of Ubuntu running somewhere.
I like playing with early versions, but it is not for everybody.  Ubuntu
updates so often that there is a lot of fiddling with the OS to do.
CentOS follows a longer development cycle, so it is better for machines
that you don't want to be messing with day-in-day-out.  Debian current
stable, as opposed to debian-derived, is supposed to be rock-solid.  My
web server is running on CentOS.  If I ever bring it in-house, I am
probably going to try using Debian instead, but just because I like the
Ubuntu updater better than yum.


-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Johnson <larryfeltonjohnson at gmail.com>
Reply-to: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts - Yes! We run Linux! <ale at ale.org>
To: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts - Yes! We run Linux! <ale at ale.org>
Subject: [ale] ubuntu versus fedora
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 09:57:50 -0400

At the last ALE meeting I heard a bit of good natured banter about
ubuntu versus fedora (or debian based versus red hat based).

Since I run both fedora and ubuntu (fedora on my laptop, ubuntu on my
desktop), and do not consider myself primarily a sysadmin (I'm more of
a programmer) I've often thought of cataloguing the problems with
various linux distributions.  My primary problems with the two
distributions can be summed up simply.  Fedora is much more likely to
screw around with my network settings (I don't know or care whether
the fact that I'm running it on a Dell Inspiron laptop is relevant).
Ubuntu has a nasty habit of dropping my audio on youtube.  Rebooting
cures the problem.

For purposes of OS ideological comparison neither have happened to me
on a Windows system, although I consider Microsoft environments to be
oppressive and untenable in terms of actually getting my work done.

If y'all want more details on the specific versions I'm running, or
hardware info, I'll be glad to oblige.

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