[ale] Telnet or SSH? (Was: Re: anonymize google searches and tor for android)

Jim Popovitch jimpop at gmail.com
Tue Oct 27 20:03:45 EDT 2009

On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 17:20, Michael B. Trausch <mbt at zest.trausch.us> wrote:
> True enough, but it also means that there is no accountability for
> anything.  Sniffing a password is so trivial on networks like that, it's
> not funny; anyone with a brain can fake just about anything on a network
> like that.  You'd think those sorts of things would be updated in large
> corporate-type environments.

What that is valid for some networks, it's not for others.   For
instance, if you have a telco system with 100+ admins logged into to
monitor events (a very common thing), then you have to decide on the
overhead of ssh vrs the ability to process more calls.  In the end the
ability to process more calls will also win out as that is the telco's
primary business.  Besides, if you are a telco admin, then you already
have a thousand other ways of seeing your peer's traffic.    Another
example: a small mom+pop graphics company moving GB sized video files
from desktops to archival storage.   Do you add the overhead of
encrypting network traffic or do you do what works fastest.

Sure there are reasons to secure some network traffic, but that can
not be universally applied.

-Jim P.

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