[ale] Incompetent corporate web sites (was: Ubuntu Linux ROCKS!)

Jim Kinney jim.kinney at gmail.com
Thu Oct 22 13:47:02 EDT 2009

I think that anything we (the country at large) decide _we_will_do_,
we do very, very well. We have the undeniable best military that
wealthy people pay for and not wealthy people work in and we all get
the benefit of that "protective service". Granted, there are financial
missteps here and there ($700 hammers, $20,000 coffee pots, etc) but
the people that are currently pissing and moaning about the exorbitant
cost associated with having the gubment design a health care funding
process don't really seem to give a rats ass about outrageous costs we
currently fork over to be able to kill every living thing on the
planet 12 times over. Do I detect a priority problem here? Or is it
just fiscally prudent to shoot first and feed later.

Maybe I just don't understand why anyone would like to keep the
current fscked up mess that uses taxpayer money to actually _do_ the
research that Big Pharma then get patents on so they can charge granny
$100 a pill to keep her alive while _THEY_ piss and moan about "must
stay profitable" when they already make 20+% AND get to write off
their "research costs". NSF forks out a $1000 grant, Pharma adds $20,
the school and the drug co split the patent on the outcome and me and
granny pay $100 for a pill that can be made for $15. And to top it all
off most of the edu's in on this are TAXPAYER FUNDED PUBLIC SCHOOLS!!!

If I ever visit Ronald Reagan's grave I want to be royally drunk so I
can take a really long piss on his headstone for that most brilliant
piece of monkey work that gave away, no strings attached, TRILLIONS of
AMERICAN TAXPAYER DOLLARS just to prop up the most profitable industry
ever created outside of running heroin.

Patents are legalized monopolies. That entire pile of lawyer dung
should be thrown away and never revived. People who invent do so
because they are driven to invent and create. Those that do it just
for the money are candidates for soylent green feedstock.

And the pundits are hand-wringing-wondering why healthcare costs keep
climbing faster than inflation.

Greedy bastards run the show. Duh! Insurance companies are required to
take money from me and then turn around and refuse to pay the bills
they said they would at the start. They also provide the malpractice
insurance the doctors piss and moan about. And again they must take in
far more than they pay out. It just like playing in Vegas. The house
ALWAYS wins. A medical school president once remarked "We accept
students regardless of their political affiliation but we only
graduate Republicans". I wish I could find the link to that quote.

I say we fund healthcare with a honkin' death tax. When people die all
of their assets over an amount tied to the annual family-of-4 income
per dependant at the time of death is liquidated and goes to
healthcare. Don't like it? Don't die. Want to leave more behind for
the whining rich snot children - pony up on the paychecks for
everybody. I'm in favor of recycling. Especially the assets of dead
rich people. What are they going to do about? Haunt me? Maybe if they
sent _their_ kids to the front line of whatever war we were in would I
even give a rats testicle about how they are getting along in the
world. They consume the most resources over their lifetimes and it
should be recycled when they are dead.

this just really struck a nerve with me today.

Fire the congress critters, draft the doctors, shoot the insurance
execs, and make it all run on Linux systems and take care of EVERYONE.

even the rich whether they deserve it or not

James P. Kinney III
Actively in pursuit of Life, Liberty and Happiness

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