[ale] Incompetent corporate web sites (was: Ubuntu Linux ROCKS!)

wylde bill durtybill at gmail.com
Thu Oct 22 01:45:01 EDT 2009

On Sun, 2009-10-04 at 18:30 -0400, aaron wrote:

> stand as a blockade between you and your doctors and
> health care providers, it is literally a matter of
> life and death that all information and financial
> exchange systems involved should be available as
> unrestricted, open and public services.

I agree.  But I think they should also be private collectives (that way
they could even be an international collective, like Linux), and
voluntary.  I think people like Michael Moore get so fixated on trying 
to part Bill Gates and Donald Trump from their money that they ignore
the fact that we really don't need Bill Gates or Donald Trump's money 
to have a successful collective.  Nor do we need the government pointing
guns at the heads of the citizenry (which is what a government-directed
and mandated collective all boils down to).

Why, if every citizen of the US contributed ONE DOLLAR towards a public
health collective it would IMMEDIATELY be the largest trust in the
world.  Dwarfing Mr. Gate's fortune by at least a factor of 8x.  

Which brings me to this:

This is a repost of a rant I posted to the Sub Genius mailing lyst. It's
not affiliated with the Church of the Sub Genius, and anybody who
mentions "Bob" will be flamed, pointed at, and laughed. Everybody knows
the true savior of mankind is the anti-"Bob", ,,oBo,, - and credit where
credit is due, the name came from either Rev. Nolan Voyde or the Rev.
Wolfboy, we just expanded on the mythology. A lot.

That's not the point, however. This is just another one of my typical
rants against government power, prestige, and authority. Ignore it if
you want, most people have ignored the ideas therein since time

This was part of a response to a rant by Dave, der Lystfurher, upon my
poking fun at the British Health care system (to make a long story
short, he ranted about his serious medical problems and how he got all
his treatment, and his meds for free and would for life. I then
explained my serious medical problems and how I had got all my initial
treatments for free, and subsequent treatments cost me only $2.00 or
$3.00 a visit, and how I pay nearly nothing for my meds ($0.50 co-pay)
and probably would as long as I needed them, and could even pay for
treatments that Medicaid doesn't cover without having my insurance taken
away- if I could come up with the scratch to do it. EXCEPT for the facts
about the system contained in the rant all of this preamble is leading
up to, which I call: 

                         And ANOTHER Damn Thing

What the "health care crisis" in the good ole USSA is REALLY all about
is the fact that all those baby boomers who've been dutifully paying
their dues into the socialist security "trust" are about to become due
for payment. And, funny thing, like when you let any collective be run
by the people who "make the laws" of the land (those scare-quotes are
another whole ball of wax), the money which was supposedly held in
"trust" has been spent "legally" by "due legislative process" on things
like buying congressman shit-for-brains good buddy a new feetsball
stadium for his team, or bombs, or congressional "fact finding" missions
to the Bahamas, etc. etc. etc. And it's all "legal". 

Try that with a PRIVATE trust, bub. You might TRY to get away with it
(a-la Charles Keating) but he went down, as did all his congressional
cronies with the exception of that assshole McCain, who somehow got
nominated for president when he shouldn't have been nominated for
dog-catcher (of course, the only difference between what people like
Keating and Kenneth Lay did and what Congress did with socialist
security is the fact that Congress was in a position to legislate itself
free of any culpability for the embezzlement, so the mutual
back-scratching shouldn't come as any big surprise.  Birds of a feather,
and all that.). 

Note that one of the provisions of comrade Obmama's "health care reform"
package is a CUT to Medicare, and other CUTS to socialist security
benefits- which are causing even life-long commie-liberals like my Dad
and my buddy Nova to begin to understand what happens when you let the
people who "make the law" hold the money.

I've nothing at all against collectivism. I just don't like the idea of
politicians running the show. And that's all socialism is. 

I leave you now to your happy little world where the cops put cameras in
your house to make sure you're putting your kiddies to bed on time, and
your local constable will shortly be around to ticket you for that
dangerous welcome mat and potted plant that an unsuspecting burglar
might trip on, or for that illegal lock on your garden shed that might
cause some hapless thief to cut himself jimmying open. 

Ain't big government grand? 

Would you want CONGRESS directing the LINUX collective?

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