[ale] iptables rules

Paul Cartwright ale at pcartwright.com
Sat Oct 10 15:01:22 EDT 2009

On Sat October 10 2009, scott mcbrien wrote:
> That said, it's difficult to troubleshoot iptables rules without seeing ALL
> the rules.  Looking at this subset of rules may have people point you in
> the wrong direction.
 ugh.. looks like a VI$TA issue... I logged into my login on her laptop, and 
the internet worked fine. well, firefox worked, but IE didn't. SO I am 
downloading IE8, firefox 3.5 and opera, to see if I can figure out what is 
wrong with her setup... I HATE windows!

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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