[ale] Need help with DTP, printing Brochure mode, 2 pages per side, 4 pages per sheet

Bruce callmebruce2002 at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 9 12:22:43 EDT 2009

I'm working on a cookbook in OpenOffice. I have a 123 page document. I would like to send it to a commercial printer as a PDF. I exported as PDF, and all is well and good (ish), except it is 8.5x11, one page per sheet.

OpenOffice Writer has a Brochure mode that might work, except it does not keep it's formatting when exporting as PDF. So I thought I would try psbook, psnup, ps2pdf utilities.

Here is what I did (snagged from http://dsl.org/cookbook/cookbook_25.html):

To make a booklet from the file `newsletter.ps': 
Rearrange the pages into a signature: 
$ psbook newsletter.ps newsletter.signature.ps [RET]

Put the pages two to a page in landscape orientation, at 70 percent of their original size (typed all on one line): 
$ psnup -l -pletter -2 -s.7 newsletter.signature.ps >
newsletter.2up.ps [RET] 

Output the odd pages: 
$ pstops "2:0(1in,0in)" newsletter.2up.ps > odd.ps [RET]

Output the even pages: 
$ pstops "2:-1(1in,0in)" newsletter.2up.ps > even.ps [RET]

I then did:
ps2pdf odd.ps odd.pdf
ps2pdf even.ps even.pdf

Then printed the odd pages. Put the sheets back in the printer starting with the first page, and printed the even pages. When I put the pages together, I can not figure out how to get them in order!

If I start with page 1, and go through odd, it looks fine for pages 1, 3, 5, all the way through 61. But the even sheets seem exactly opposite of what I want. Should I have flipped the pages after printing odds, reversed the sort (starting from the last page instead of the first) and printed even? Is the mirror mode I should look at?

Anyone printing brochure mode in PDF that can help me out? (I think I'll try a simple 6 page document to see if I cna figure out sort order next - doing it wiht a 123 page booklet is kinda goofy)


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