[ale] My resume

Jeff Lightner jlightner at water.com
Mon Oct 5 10:14:25 EDT 2009

In these days of on line resumes length isn't as important as it used to be in my experience.   My resume is over 5 pages because it has the basic resume format at beginning but then ends with "skills summary" that lists the various technologies I've worked on.   After I added this "skills summary" my resume got far more hits on the various job sites than it had previously and I never had anyone complain about length. 

Most headhunters will put their own spin on your resume before sending it to an employer by the way.  You need to make sure you find out what modifications they are doing before they send it as sometimes they get it wrong.

-----Original Message-----
From: ale-bounces at ale.org [mailto:ale-bounces at ale.org] On Behalf Of Jim Kinney
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 9:27 AM
To: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts - Yes! We run Linux!
Subject: Re: [ale] My resume

after much editing and outright dropping of topics en masse, my resume
is nearing 3 pages is I leave out most normal things like articles and
conjuction words.

Maybe I'm just a curmudgeon but I expect more than a 1-2 page synopsis
of the firm I'm applying to as well. Why should treat them with less
attention than I expect?  I tend to distrust "marketing slicks" as
they are generally garbage information. I see my resume as more than a
marketing slick for my past accomplishments.

On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 9:41 AM, Jerald Sheets <questy at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Oct 3, 2009, at 7:55 AM, Brandon Checketts wrote:
>> In my experience, I think that the 1-page suggestion is relevant when
>> you are fresh out of college.
> I have to agree here.  After 19 years in the business, if I try and
> shove everything into one page, I haven't done enough in my career.  A
> list of the technologies I've worked with alone would be over a pge.
> In my experience, people like to see both a description of the places
> you've worked and key contributions/achievements for each.  Mine has
> expanded to three pages now, but is clean and easy to view/work with.
> The resume itself, like yours, is unique and catches your attention.
> (or so I've been told by recruiters)
> Good luck in your search, man.  There's a lot out there right now.
> --j
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James P. Kinney III
Actively in pursuit of Life, Liberty and Happiness

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