[ale] IBM to buy SUN?

Jeff Lightner jlightner at water.com
Thu Mar 19 13:05:15 EDT 2009

I gather that you and he were in completely different parts of the
organization.   I was at Ale NW for one of the presentations done there
about the Linux/MySQL stuff.   Maybe they have another data center for
the non-web stuff?  There is a big colo site around the corner from TWC.
He and I worked together at another company where he was the lead
developer and at the time I spoke to him a year or so ago he was in some
sort of Development Management role at TWC.


What his group does I don't know but it was AFTER that you and I spoke
at Ale NW (which went dormant before you left TWC due to the
construction).  I recall asking you about HP-UX during one of the Ale NW
meetings and you said so far as you knew TWC never used it but I know
for a fact one of the first ads I saw on my return to Atlanta 4+ years
ago was for an HP-UX admin for TWC.



From: ale-bounces at ale.org [mailto:ale-bounces at ale.org] On Behalf Of
Jerald Sheets
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 11:58 AM
To: ale at ale.org
Subject: Re: [ale] IBM to buy SUN?



	Your comments about the Weather Channel are interesting.  I know
you were on the web side of the house.  I have a friend on the other
side who said they went to Solaris briefly but found it couldn't perform
for their needs and went back to HP-UX.   That was a year or so ago.
Not sure what they're doing these days but assume they still have the
HP-UX systems.


I'm pretty sure I never saw one single HP box the three years I was
there.  They must be hiding them...  under someone's desk no doubt.

Sun is all I ever saw downstairs, a bunch of Intel, a ton of Hitachi

Upstairs we were all Dell/Foundry/Netapp.

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